Veracity Score

Quickly discover your financial health and how to improve it.

The Veracity Score™ benchmarks your nonprofit against industry standards. It’s like a credit score for your nonprofit.

Your nonprofits financial health, simplified.

The Veracity Score is a composite score of your organization’s financial health, similar to a FICO score for individuals. It’s derived from key financial data as reported on your organizations IRS Form 990.

A quick and easy way to see the financial health of your nonprofit.

The Veracity Score is based on decades of experience working with nonprofits to improve their financial health. We’ve identified seven critical areas of financial health and created a simplified way to understand and communicate your financial health to your board, your team, and, if desired, your supporters.

It becomes a powerful tool for identifying and tracking areas for improvement. By comparing your score to those of your peers, you’ll gain even more insight to gauge the range of financial health you should expect for an organization of your type and size.

What do I need to get started?

It’s simple. You need only your 990.

Let’s get started

How is the Veracity Score determined?

The highest Veracity Score achievable is 1000.

The Veracity Score is created from the following seven financial attributes:

Let’s get started
Fundraising Efficiency
Net Margin
Savings Indicator
Management & Fundraising Expense
Days Cash on Hand
Current Ratio
Unrestricted Net Assets to Debt Ratio

Get your score and a whole lot more.

It’s easy to get started. Simply upload your 990, let us know which peers you’d like to be compared against, and we’ll crunch the numbers and email your Veracity Score report to you. You’ll receive a report detailing your organization’s Veracity Score.

You’ll also get specific actions to improve your score, compiled by our team of nonprofit finance experts.

All of that for no cost and no obligation. It’s our way to help support the nonprofits we love so that you can improve your financial health.